Friday, January 30, 2004

Collin says his gay sex scenes aren't gay.

I do not know what to make of this?
Is Colin merely a scarily defensive breeder (homophobe) or just really dumb?
"Don't call it a gay film," snaps Colin Farrell to reporters. "It's not a gay film, it's not a straight film - it's just a fucking story."

The ruggedly handsome Irish actor was talking about playing the bisexual lead in Oliver Stone’s upcoming Alexander the Great biopic.

"There was no term for it then, it was just part of the culture, what happened was older men, 50-70-years-old, used to spend the evening with younger men and impart their knowledge to them, and then they'd go to bed together.

" Oliver wanted to portray the figure accurately and didn’t want to ignore facts surrounding his sexual antics," he said.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

The audacity and the nerve of the Boy Scout leadership is unrivaled.

I am glad that there are public officials who will not only be open and honest about their orientation, but that would also tell the scouts to &6%# off.

I don’t know much about him but Congressman Barney Frank should be hailed for this particular act.
Scouts Seek Help From Gay Congressman Frank
by Newscenter Staff

(Boston, Massachusetts) Congressman
Barney Frank has expressed surprise over a letter from the Boy Scouts of America seeking his help.

The letter outlines a new scouting initiative called Good Turn America and touts the BSA's history of teaching "its 3 million youth members important lessons about leadership, character, and service."

"We would be honored if you would lend your support to this important effort. Together, we will continue to positively influence the lives of young people throughout the nation."

The letter was signed by Roy L. Williams, Chief Scout Executive.
In a reply made public today by Frank's congressional office in Boston, the Democratic congressman told Williams that he found the letter "hypocritical".

"Where there is much about what the Boy Scouts do that I admire and I am a former Scout myself, I was under the impression that you considered people like myself to be unworthy of association with the Boy Scouts," Frank's letter states.

"I am a gay man, which according to your policy as I read it in various court decisions, means that I am neither 'morally straight' nor 'clean.'"

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Block your ears to hear better on Japan's new bone phone.

Talk about a cool gadget. I wonder what one would hear if you placed it on your coccyx (tail bone)? Dolby Digital 5.1, THX, or both?
January 21, 2004

Japanese telecom carriers, pioneers of internet-capable and picture-snapping handsets, have now come up with the world's first mobile phone that enables users to listen to calls inside their heads - by conducting sound through bone.

The TS41 handset, manufactured by electronics firm Sanyo, was put on sale by the Tu-Ka mobile phone group this month, drawing healthy demand from customers who want to hear calls better in busy streets and other noisy places.

The new phone is equipped with a "Sonic Speaker" which transmits sounds through vibrations that move from the skull to the cochlea in the inner ear, instead of relying on the usual method of sound hitting the outer eardrum.

With the new handset, the key to better hearing in a noisy situation is to plug your ears to prevent outside noise from drowning out bone-conducted sounds.

If the user holds the handset to the top of the head, the back of the head, cheekbone or jaw and plugs his or her left ear, the call will be heard internally on the left side.

It is the first time that the bone conduction has been used in mobile phones although the technology has been available for fixed-line phones in Japan, mostly for elderly people, for the past two years.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

More about MOORE
“His public persona is that of an anti-corporate crusader from working-class Flint, Michigan, who wears a constant uniform of slouchy jeans, a plaid shirt and a Detroit Tigers baseball cap. But the real Michael Moore rides in limos and lives in a swanky $1.2 million Manhattan apartment. Moore’s "blue collar bonhomie" is bunk.”

Forbes reports that an early scene in "Bowling" in which Mr. Moore tries to demonstrate how easy it is to obtain guns in America was staged. He goes to a small bank in Traverse City, Mich., that offers various inducements to open an account and claims "I put $1,000 in a long-term account, they did the background check, and, within an hour, I walked out with my new Weatherby," a rifle.
But Jan Jacobson, the bank employee who worked with Mr. Moore on his account, says that only happened because Mr. Moore's film company had worked for a month to stage the scene. "What happened at the bank was a prearranged thing," she says. The gun was brought from a gun dealer in another city, where it would normally have to be picked up. "Typically, you're looking at a week to 10 days waiting period," she says. Ms. Jacobson feels used: "He just portrayed us as backward hicks."

As far as Moore is concerned, however, there are only two important things to know about his book. First, the accuracy or inaccuracy of the book is completely irrelevant. He's writing satire, so he has no obligation at all to make sure anything he says in his book is accurate. Second, the only people who are pointing out inaccuracies in his book are simply jealous that he's on the top of the bestseller list and they're not. Here's a partial transcript of an interview with Moore conducted by Lou Dobbs,

DOBBS: just took you to task on this book, pointing out glaring inaccuracies, which -- what in the world...
MOORE: Some of these, I think they found some guy named Dan was named Dave, and there was another thing. But you know, look, this is a book of political humor. So, I mean, I don't respond to that sort of stuff, you know.
DOBBS: Glaring inaccuracies?
MOORE: No, I don't. Why should I? How can there be inaccuracy in comedy? You know.
DOBBS: That does give one license. I think you may have given all of us a loophole.
MOORE: When Jonathan Swift said that what the Irish do is eat their young, in other words, that's what the British were proposing during the famine, I think that, you know, you have to understand satire.
DOBBS: It was metaphorical. And when you say that president...
MOORE: Well, your point was that Salon and others are like liberals, so why would they -- actually, the only attacks on the book have come from liberals.
DOBBS: Is that right?
DOBBS: Perhaps that's because, again, just dealing with what they know.
MOORE: Yes, maybe. Or maybe they're just -- some people get a little jealous. That's what you do. "How come he's on TV? He's on Lou Dobbs! What's going on?"
DOBBS: And it's selling well?
MOORE: It's been the No. 1 book in the country for the last month. How is that, at a time when supposedly there's 80 percent approval ratings for George W. Bush?
DOBBS: That's pretty good. And that's the next question I had for you. A couple things...
MOORE: That's my question for you. Why do you think it is? I don't have the answer.
DOBBS: Well, I will hardly pretend to be an expert.
MOORE: How could this be the No. 1 book? It's selling more than Grisham and Clancy right now, at a time when supposedly everybody's behind Bush. And this is nothing but a scathing attack on who he is, what he stands for and what he's done to the country.
DOBBS: Filled with glaring inaccuracies.
MOORE: Filled with glaring, comedic inaccuracies. And actually written by sweatshop workers in Honduras. Has that been pointed out yet? I think we might as well reveal all right now.


Monday, January 19, 2004

Michael Moore is a fat-sad liar.

We all know that he is fat. So that item is not newsworthy; just therapeutic. However, his fictional mockumantary “Bowling For Columbine” is full of lies and clever editing tricks.

The factory that Moore claims to be the largest manufacturer of American
Nuclear weapons is a satellite manufacturing plant.
There is dozens of these little lies in his film along with some major BS.
Read up if you care.

PS-After seeing Moby on Bill Mahrs show this week I have decided not to buy any more of his CD’s. I still think he is an awesome musician. However, he is also an extremely unreasonable and intolerant individual. I am not one to financially support such people.
If I was I would be sending checks to the likes of Al-I wish I could get it on with Lady Ann-Franken, Janeane-never a leading actress-Garofalo, Russell-who-Simmons, Michael –no longer relevant-Stipe, and that Al (not smarter then Issa) Sharpton.

I strongly believe that these folk have every right to voice their opinions. I believe in factions and the need for factional conflict (Madison Federalist #10). In fact, pulling my support is my own way of voicing my opinion. So don’t be a hater Moby.

A thought emerges out of dried tears.

I am feeling lonely and am not sure what to do.

I have always been with people. As a child I had playmates even though I was an only child. I always played with someone. My cousin, who was like a brother, my neighbors, who were best friends, or myself, after puberty. But, what to do when one is not horny and sex is not even on the mind. How does one find something genuinely interesting to do? In other wards, how do us, Americans, live by ourselves?

Sunday, January 18, 2004

The Rise Of Stay-At-Home Gay Dads

Another study clearly demonstrates that gay couples can be good parents.

The test in this case illustrates that gays are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to raise a child-giving up their independence and careers.

Yes, it is true. Gay families do make sacrifices for their children. In fact we do it as often, if not more so, then the average hetero parents.

I will patiently await a rebuttal form the religious right.


(New York City) More gay dads are staying at home to raise children than stay-at-home heterosexual or lesbian parents according to new analysis of the latest census returns.

The Urban Institute, a nonpartisan research organization in Washington, randomly selected the returns of 9,328 same-sex couples with children. It discovered that 26 percent of the male couples included a stay-at-home parent.

That is 1 percentage point higher than for heterosexually married couples with children and 4 percentage points higher than for female couples, said Gary Gates, a demographer who performed the analysis for the New York Times.

The study also found that being a stay-at-home gay parent comes at a cost. Same-sex couples with a stay-at-home parent are doing this even though census figures show that their median household income, $35,000, is lower than the $45,000 for a heterosexual married couple with a stay-at-home parent, the analysis shows.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Ohio Jail Refuses HIV Meds To Inmate

Something this house should never do. The people who are running these prisons should be dealt with.

If we are keeping these people alive, especially if we want them to serve a horrid life sentance, should we not be providing them their medication in order to make the suffering last?

(Columbus, Ohio) A man serving a 10-day jail sentence for driving under the influence is being denied time-sensitive HIV medication in what his mother calls a life-threatening situation.

The prisoner, whose name is being withheld at his request, is serving his time at the Franklin County Correction Center, and despite a letter sent by the American Civil Liberties Union informing administrators at the facility of the inmate's condition and need for the medication, his drugs are being withheld, the ACLU charges.

"This is very serious," said Howard Grossman, M.D., a highly respected HIV expert in New York City. "A lapse in treatment could cause him to become resistant in only a matter of days and then the drugs won't work."

Prior to reporting to the facility to begin his sentence, the inmate contacted the ACLU after he was told by the facility not to bring his medications to the jail. The ACLU sent a letter to the facility on the day the inmate began his sentence, January 14th, notifying the authorities of the inmate's condition and outlining the facility's legal obligations to provide the necessary medical treatment. The ACLU also called the facility and was assured by administrators that the inmate would receive his treatment in a timely manner.

But, the ACLU says that he is still not receiving his medication.

"My son is willing to pay for his crime, but serving a short jail sentence shouldn't be life threatening," said the Columbus man's mother. "My son is alive today only because he has been extremely careful in taking his medications. I'm really afraid of what this interruption will do to his health."

According to a recent survey by the ACLU of HIV service providers around the country, lapses in medical treatment are far too common for inmates in jails and prisons around the country.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Both Clinton and General Clark believed the same things that Bush is being crucified for. Clinton, after reviewing all the available intelligence report, concluded that Saddam had WMD’s. Clark believed in the Saddam-Al Quaida connection. They are both on the record.

Liberal pundits should simply back off. It’s pretty hypocritical and dishonest.

Decide yourselves.
---Clinton believes Iraq had weapons of mass destruction: Portugal PM

Former US president Bill Clinton said in October during a visit to Portugal that he was convinced Iraq had weapons of mass destruction up until the fall of Saddam Hussein, Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Manuel Durao Barroso said.

"When Clinton was here recently he told me he was absolutely convinced, given his years in the White House and the access to privileged information which he had, that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction until the end of the Saddam regime," he said in an interview with Portuguese cable news channel SIC Noticias.

Clinton, a Democrat who left office in 2001, met with Durao Barroso on October 21 when he travelled to Lisbon to give a speech on globalization.

---Tape Shows General Clark Linking Iraq and Al Qaeda

MANCHESTER, N.H., Jan. 11 — Less than a year before he entered the race for the Democratic nomination for president, Gen. Wesley K. Clark said that he believed there was a connection between the Iraqi government and Al Qaeda.

The statement by General Clark in October 2002 as he endorsed a New Hampshire candidate for Congress is a sign of how the general's position on Iraq seems to have changed over time, though he insists his position has been consistent.

"Certainly there's a connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda," he said in 2002. "It doesn't surprise me at all that they would be talking to Al Qaeda, that there would be some Al Qaeda there or that Saddam Hussein might even be, you know, discussing gee, I wonder since I don't have any scuds and since the Americans are coming at me, I wonder if I could take advantage of Al Qaeda? How would I do it? Is it worth the risk? What could they do for me?"

Sunday, January 11, 2004


I saw the McNamara documentary this weekend. If you don’t know what I am referring to then please read the synopsis attached below.

The film is an exceptionally well edited masterpiece. It contains old footage as well as haunting audio conversations between McNamara, Johnson, and Kennedy. It offers the viewer remarkable insight into the minds of these three great men and clears up many faulty perceptions.
McNamara, It seems, is not the zealous warmonger we all thought. He is smart, aware of his faults, and, most importantly, merely a loyal servant to Kennedy and Johnson. He did the bidding of the President while attempting to change Johnson’s foreign policy from within. Unfortunately McNamara could not overpower Johnson’s paranoia

See the film. It is brilliant and insightful. This is the stuff that textbooks and liberal professors omit.
Synopsis: The story of America as seen through the eyes of Robert S. McNamara, the former Secretary of Defense. McNamara, one of the most controversial and influential figures in world politics, leads viewers on an insider’s journey through many of the seminal events that shaped the 20th Century.
Starring: Robert S McNamara
Directed by: Errol Morris

Friday, January 09, 2004

Why didn't i think of that?
Burger King customers told: 'You are too fat to have a Whopper'

Police believe teenage pranksters are hacking into the wireless frequency of a US Burger King drive-through speaker to tell potential customers they are too fat for fast food.

Policeman Gerry Scherlink said the pranksters told one customer who had just placed an order: "You don't need a couple of Whoppers. You are too fat. Pull ahead."
from Ananova

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

In her newest rant Lady Ann makes a simple argument (see below). However, if anarchy does ensue then should not the conservatives be delighted at an opportunity to restart the process and rewrite the rules?

A very long, yet thought provoking, quote of the week.

By Lady Ann

The conservative argument for enforcing manifestly absurd court rulings is that the only other option is anarchy.

But we are already living in anarchy. It's a one-sided, "Alice in Wonderland" anarchy in which liberals always win and conservatives always lose – and then cheerfully enforce their own defeats. Oh, you see an abortion clause in there? OK, I don't see it, but we'll enforce it. Sodomy, too, you say? OK, it's legal. Gay marriage? Just give us a minute to change the law. No prayer in schools? It's out. Go-go dancing is speech, but protest at abortion clinics isn't? Okey-dokey. No Ten Commandments in the courthouse? Somebody get the number of a monument removal service.

What passes for "constitutional law" can be fairly summarized as: Heads we win, tails you lose. The only limit on liberal insanity in this country is how many issues liberals can get before a court.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Another piece of evidence that exemplifies Howard Deans pacifist nature.
Associated Press
Presidential hopeful Howard Dean, who accuses President Bush of being weak on homeland security, was warned repeatedly as Vermont governor about security lapses at his state's nuclear power plant and was told the state was ill-prepared for a disaster at its most attractive terrorist target.

The warnings, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press, began in 1991 when a group of students were brought into a secure area of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant without proper screening. On at least two occasions, a gun or mock terrorists passed undetected into the plant during security tests.

During Dean's final year in office in 2002, an audit concluded that despite a decade of repeated warnings of poor safety at Vermont Yankee, Dean's administration was poorly prepared for a nuclear disaster.
"The lack of funding and overarching coordination at the state level directly impacts the ability of the state, local and power plant planners to be adequately prepared for a real emergency at Vermont Yankee," state Auditor Elizabeth M. Ready wrote in a study issued five months after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Security was so lax at Vermont Yankee that in August 2001, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission staged a drill in which three mock terrorists gained access to the plant. The agency gave Vermont Yankee the worst security rating among the nation's 103 reactors.

Location: LA, California, United States
...three years ago, the leader of al-Qaida in Mesopotamia wrote to his guru Osama Bin Laden, saying that there was a real danger of the electoral process succeeding in Iraq and of "suffocating" the true Islamist cause. The only way of preventing this triumph of the democratic heresy, wrote Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was to make life so unbearable for the heretical Shiites that they would respond in kind. The ensuing conflict would ruin all the plans of the Crusader-Zionist alliance." By Mr. Hitch"