Wednesday, October 29, 2003

My chance to be Lady Ann for a day.

Defending President Bush’s latest speech in which he declared that America is safer because of his policies Tony Blankley of THE WASHINGTON TIMES states a common yet terribly stupid liberal argument:

“ Obviously, if we hadn't invaded Iraq (and Afghanistan), things would be more peaceful right now. American soldiers wouldn't be dying on foreign soil, and there would be no explosions on the streets of Baghdad. If we had let the U.N. quietly, politely and ineffectively continue to complain to Saddam Hussein and the Taliban for their various misdeeds, the French, Germans and many Muslim governments would not now be saying rude things about America. We might even be admired around the world for our forbearance, restraint and maturity after that tragedy in New York and at the Pentagon.�

Mr. Blankley is paraphrasing the liberal alternative to our crises. He goes on to praise our president. But, the liberal argument still stands. Senator Ted Kennedy and most of the presidential candidates still believe in this garbage of a choice. The liberals still don’t get it.

These liberal fantasies of world peace and UN effectiveness are getting tiresome. The constant regurgitation of these contentions is proof that certain liberals cannot distinguish between a good argument and a bad one. For them an argument is like a religion that needs no proof, and cannot be countered because it is the ultimate truth.
Furthermore, they refuse to concede when they are wrong by allowing themselves to be hypocritical. (Insert contrast here-liberal reaction to Clinton lying and actually getting head in the white house while speaking to Senator and Arnold maybe groping some ass).

To prove this less then subtle point I would like to illustrate the example of North Korea; that other “evil� state. The UN inspectors inspected for years and found nothing. The inspectors were kicked out and then North Korea declared that they have nukes, missile contracts with Pakistan, and plans to build more nukes. The inspectors had failed to find traces of these activities and ultimately failed their purpose. But, the liberals still worship them.

And since when, outside of gay sex, is it ok for one to take it up the ass? We were devastated on 9/11 and many liberals wish that we had done nothing and shown restraint. And how telling it is of someone who likes inaction. In his discussion he excludes the resistant and heroic victims of the 4th plane that crashed in a field. Yep, liberals rarely mention this little fact. After all it counters their notions of what work.

And since when does America need the French, who would not exist if it wasn’t for the US, or the Germans, who would have been starving ex-Soviets had the US not stepped up to it’s defense? They owe their allegiance to us.

So, did I do it? Can I pull her off? Will I pass as lady Ann this Halloween?

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Another reason to never grow up.
Gay Bashing

The statistics are scary. It is facts such as these that keep people from coming out and, even worse, force people back into the closet.
Just imagine kissing a loved one good night in public and turning around to face a bat racing towards your skull.
The thought of being beaten-up because of my identity is reminiscent of middle school feelings minus one exception. While in school a skinny foreign kid, such as me, feared getting tormented but never killed or seriously harmed. Adults, have a harsher way of expressing intolerance.


Crimes committed in 2002 due to bias against the victim's perceived sexual orientation represent 16.7 percent of reported hate crime incidents the FBI reported Tuesday. It is the highest level in the 12 years since the agency began collecting the statistics.

Sexual orientation bias represents the third highest category of reported hate crimes. Racial bias continues to represent the largest percentage of bias-motivated incidents at 48.8 percent, followed by religious bias at 19.1 percent. Disability bias, at 0.6 percent, represents the lowest percentage, according to the report "Crime in the United States in 2002."

Monday, October 27, 2003

I am not sure where this will lead but if my ex-government wants to engage in such a risky ordeal then i wish them lots of luck. I wonder what the Azeri government thinks of this?

Authorities in Nagorno Karabagh said that 12 families making a total of 50 people, have moved this year to settle down permanently in the region. The resettlement is part of a program called Return to Karabagh, steered by Karabagh government and an Armenian government-affiliated department for refugees and migrants. It is funded by the government of Karabagh.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

It seems that college kids are not as dumb as they look.
Vehement liberalism may have a constant presence on college campuses, but I am glad to see that a solid proportion of college students refuse to buy into the “Bush is stupid, the war is stupid” propaganda machine.

Here is a slap in the face to all those communist professors who preach rather than reason.


A fascinating poll released yesterday by Harvard’s Institute of Politics shows President Bush's approval rating among college students at 61%, well above his most recent national average of 50.5%. Here are the money lines:

Looking at the internals things get even more surprising. The 1,202 students surveyed have a much different impression of which direction the country is headed in than the public at large: 46% saying we're going moving in the right direction vs. 43% saying we're not. That's a +3 spread, a significant difference versus the three most recent national polls that show negative spreads of 18, 15 and 16 points, respectively. Democrats may be inclined to dismiss the discrepancy as "youthful optimism", but it's probably something more than that.

You might be inclined to think the war is a top priority among college students because many of them oppose it so passionately. Not true. Fifty-eight percent of respondents support the war in Iraq (including 30% who "strongly support" it) while only 37% oppose the war (with only 17% of those "strongly" opposing it).

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Democrats Don’t Care.

A new study sponsored by Democracy Corps, the group founded by Greenberg, James Carville and Robert Shrum seems to suggest that democrats, at least in certain, states do not care much about the issue of terrorism.


In Iowa, 1 percent of those polled — 1 percent! — said they worried about fighting terrorism. It was dead last on the list.

Two percent said they worried about homeland security — next to last.

In New Hampshire, 2 percent worried about fighting terrorism and 2 percent worried about homeland security.

In South Carolina — somewhat surprising because of its military heritage — the results were the same.

Democrats in each state were then given the same list of topics and asked to name their second-most concern. Fighting terrorism and homeland security still placed near the bottom of the list.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Great new research from UCLA. Here is the whole thing.

New Gay Gene Evidence
by Matt Johns Newscenter
Los Angeles Bureau

(Los Angeles, California) Evidence continues to mount that sexuality is genetically controlled. The latest findings were reported today by researchers from the University of California.

The scientists, in a statement, said that sexual identity is "hard-wired" into the genes.

"Sexual identity is rooted in every person's biology before birth and springs from a variation in our individual genome," said Dr. Eric Vilain, a genetics professor at the UCLA School of Medicine.

Vilain and his team of researchers have identified 54 genes in mice that may explain why male and female brains look and function differently. They used two separate genetic testing methods to compare the production of genes in male and female brains in embryonic mice -- long before the animals developed sex organs.

They discovered 54 genes produced in different amounts in male and female mouse brains. Eighteen of the genes were produced at higher levels in the male brains; 36 were produced at higher levels in the female brains.

"We discovered that the male and female brains differed in many measurable ways, including anatomy and function." Vilain said. Among the differences, the two hemispheres of the brain appeared more symmetrical in females than in males. According to Vilain, the symmetry may improve communication between both sides of the brain, leading to enhanced verbal expressiveness in females.

Vilian warns though that finding the exact gene that results in homosexuality will require considerable more research. He said that if future research does determine conclusively that homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, the implications would be huge.

"If it's not a choice, you can't have the typical conservative argument that says you choose this lifestyle so you have to bear the consequences and society has no reason to basically give you any rights because you choose to be an outcast," Vilain said.

"If you can't do anything about it, therefore you should have all the rights to be integrated into society and have the same rights as heterosexuals in terms of marriage and the rights to inheritance."

Vilain said the initial emphasis will be on determining the origin of transgenderism. He says the research may help doctors determine the proper gender assignment of babies born with ambiguous genitalia.

"If physicians could predict the gender of newborns with ambiguous genitalia at birth, we would make less mistakes in gender assignment," Vilain said.

Typically such a baby is assigned a gender and in many places in North America genital surgery is performed to make the genitals appear to conform to the gender selected.

But many grow up very unhappy, feeling the surgery was harmful by assigning them a gender they didn't feel was appropriate.

The Human Rights Campaign welcomed the results but said that laws should protect all Americans equally, regardless of the genetic basis for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

"This study is part of a growing body of evidence showing that it is likely that sexual orientation and gender identity are genetically based," said Elizabeth Birch, HRC's executive director.

"Although further research will be conducted by this team, at the end of the day, the question of nature versus nurture shouldn't matter. Laws in America should protect everybody equally, regardless of what causes differences of sexual orientation or gender identity."

Last week, British psychologists also said they have found strong evidence to support the theory that a person's sexuality is "hard-wired" into the brain before birth. (story)

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Alright, time to write again.

The LSAT is over. I can only hope and ask that my cousins pray.
There is an issue I have been itching to write about ever since I took the oath of citizenry.
Upon exiting from the grand stadium I saw many happy faces, my boyfriend, some other hot men, and the Democratic Party booth. It was in clear sight, loud and colorful. In fact, it was the very first political stand I saw. The Republican stand was at least 40 feet further back; hidden amongst the crowd.

I approached one of the old ladies working in the Republican booth and asked regarding the arrangement. Her response was shocking. “This is where they put us.” They, it seems, are the people who work for the US District Court (Central).

To strengthen my proceeding point i would like to point out that there was plenty of space for both booths immediately in front of the exit. Certainly two booths representing opposing parties could be placed side by side in country of tolerance.

The intentions of the organizers are clear. They encourage naturalized citizens to enroll with the Democrats rather than the Republicans. If this is not liberal treachery, then what is? If there were no laws regarding political booth placements then the republicans would have been across the street from the stadium.

I can only hope that the Democrats have awoken and realized the conservative shift taking place within “Kaaliforniya.” They need to change their strategy or Bush may win our electoral votes in 2004.

Location: LA, California, United States
...three years ago, the leader of al-Qaida in Mesopotamia wrote to his guru Osama Bin Laden, saying that there was a real danger of the electoral process succeeding in Iraq and of "suffocating" the true Islamist cause. The only way of preventing this triumph of the democratic heresy, wrote Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was to make life so unbearable for the heretical Shiites that they would respond in kind. The ensuing conflict would ruin all the plans of the Crusader-Zionist alliance." By Mr. Hitch"