Saturday, February 05, 2005

The Lazy European

Further proof that socialism creates a lazy society which, in turn, despises work and reveres nothing.
Thousands of French Protest Longer Working Hours

PARIS, Feb 5 (Reuters) - French President Jacques Chirac's conservative government faced a major challenge to its economic policies on Saturday as tens of thousands of public and private sector workers protested over labour laws, pensions and schools.

Today the French are protesting a possible increase of the typical 35 hour work week. Where were the protestors when the French were supplying weapons to Hutus and Tutsis during the Rwanda genocide? How about when Saddam was pocketing French “Oil for Food” officials? They were on a lunch break of course.

When I was in France, I witnessed this phenomenon firsthand. Walking from store to store, late in the afternoon, I would come across quite a few that were simply closed. The absentees were nice enough to leave a sign in English indicating a 3 hour break.

All I have to say, it sure is good not to be European.

Location: LA, California, United States
...three years ago, the leader of al-Qaida in Mesopotamia wrote to his guru Osama Bin Laden, saying that there was a real danger of the electoral process succeeding in Iraq and of "suffocating" the true Islamist cause. The only way of preventing this triumph of the democratic heresy, wrote Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was to make life so unbearable for the heretical Shiites that they would respond in kind. The ensuing conflict would ruin all the plans of the Crusader-Zionist alliance." By Mr. Hitch"