Saturday, August 02, 2003

So here we go.

My first gay-Armenian post.

But First a Thought

Affirmative action just for being black? I say, Jesse Jackson’s illegitimate children should work harder and sue daddy for tutoring money.
Affirmative action for minorities within minorities? Now that is more like it.

As time goes by these posts will most certainly reflect my realistic approach to politics. I have a tendency nowadays to be more conservative; all because of a wonderful group of smart kids. Don’t get me wrong. I both humped and hopped with joy like a rabbit the day Lawrence V. Texas was decided. But, I am also one of those people who supports the war on Terrorism, Iraq, and any other entity that is wiling to kill Americans. I, and all current US residents, owe our well being to this truly fabulous country. And all those America haters, otherwise known as traitors by Ann Coulter, can simply leave this country and return to either the third world, where civilization began and later abandoned, or simply France.

Please Note-Until I can come up with a cleverer name that captures my homosexual fondness, Ann Coulter shall be otherwise referred to as Lady Ann. Let’s face it. All fags have some hot babe they wish they could take home to mother in order to hide their homosexuality.

Radical conservatives, those who want to see us parish or converted, should also be among those who are considering moving to the third world. Where there is room for Muslim fanaticism there certainly must be room for Christian fundamentalism. Afghanistan is practically baron; plenty of room for large crosses.

Commonly shared hatred towards gays can be the bonding factor that finally unites Islam and Christianity (Catholics included). Can you imagine what a happy place the world would become? I certainly can. But my friend Grant is probably feeling left-out. Gay bashing, as perverse as it sounds, may have the potential to unite the Muslims and Christians. But, nothing can bring the Jews to the table. They will always be left out.

Back to the whole conservative thing. Let’s be realistic. Gays are not going to get the right to marry today or tomorrow or next week. The public has yet to come around and, until they do, the gay community must settle for partnership status and similar legal rights. This, however, should not be interpreted as a “giving-up” on my part. The fight must be waged for that is the only way to shift public opinion. Bitchy-fags, and talented lawyers, must unite and challenge current views. But this must be done in caution. As we have seen recently with Bush Jr. steps towards equality can come at a price. The Texas decision has united radical conservatives and they will certainly step up to the plate and challenge our newly earned rights. Did I just use baseball phraseology? We can also end up being called sinners and have to work another 25 years to turn the word into one of our own. (Fag, queer, and pussy boy being examples) I don’t really want to spend my life doing this. So let us keep a realistic viewpoint and monitor our own actions.

Location: LA, California, United States
...three years ago, the leader of al-Qaida in Mesopotamia wrote to his guru Osama Bin Laden, saying that there was a real danger of the electoral process succeeding in Iraq and of "suffocating" the true Islamist cause. The only way of preventing this triumph of the democratic heresy, wrote Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was to make life so unbearable for the heretical Shiites that they would respond in kind. The ensuing conflict would ruin all the plans of the Crusader-Zionist alliance." By Mr. Hitch"